Source code for django_sendfile.utils

from functools import lru_cache
from importlib import import_module
from mimetypes import guess_type
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from urllib.parse import quote
import logging
import unicodedata

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.http import Http404

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_sendfile():
    backend = getattr(settings, 'SENDFILE_BACKEND', None)
    if not backend:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('You must specify a value for SENDFILE_BACKEND')
    module = import_module(backend)
    return module.sendfile

def _convert_file_to_url(path):
        url_root = PurePath(getattr(settings, "SENDFILE_URL", None))
    except TypeError:
        return path

    path_root = PurePath(settings.SENDFILE_ROOT)
    path_obj = PurePath(path)

    relpath = path_obj.relative_to(path_root)
    # Python 3.5: Path.resolve() has no `strict` kwarg, so use pathmod from an
    # already instantiated Path object
    url = relpath._flavour.pathmod.normpath(str(url_root / relpath))

    return quote(str(url))

def _sanitize_path(filepath):
        path_root = Path(getattr(settings, 'SENDFILE_ROOT', None))
    except TypeError:
        raise ImproperlyConfigured('You must specify a value for SENDFILE_ROOT')

    filepath_obj = Path(filepath)

    # get absolute path
    # Python 3.5: Path.resolve() has no `strict` kwarg, so use pathmod from an
    # already instantiated Path object
    filepath_abs = Path(filepath_obj._flavour.pathmod.normpath(str(path_root / filepath_obj)))

    # if filepath_abs is not relative to path_root, relative_to throws an error
    except ValueError:
        raise Http404('{} wrt {} is impossible'.format(filepath_abs, path_root))

    return filepath_abs

[docs]def sendfile(request, filename, attachment=False, attachment_filename=None, mimetype=None, encoding=None): """ Create a response to send file using backend configured in ``SENDFILE_BACKEND`` ``filename`` is the absolute path to the file to send. If ``attachment`` is ``True`` the ``Content-Disposition`` header will be set accordingly. This will typically prompt the user to download the file, rather than view it. But even if ``False``, the user may still be prompted, depending on the browser capabilities and configuration. The ``Content-Disposition`` filename depends on the value of ``attachment_filename``: ``None`` (default): Same as ``filename`` ``False``: No ``Content-Disposition`` filename ``String``: Value used as filename If neither ``mimetype`` or ``encoding`` are specified, then they will be guessed via the filename (using the standard Python mimetypes module) """ filepath_obj = _sanitize_path(filename) logger.debug('filename \'%s\' requested "\ "-> filepath \'%s\' obtained', filename, filepath_obj) _sendfile = _get_sendfile() if not filepath_obj.exists(): raise Http404('"%s" does not exist' % filepath_obj) guessed_mimetype, guessed_encoding = guess_type(str(filepath_obj)) if mimetype is None: if guessed_mimetype: mimetype = guessed_mimetype else: mimetype = 'application/octet-stream' response = _sendfile(request, filepath_obj, mimetype=mimetype) # Suggest to view (inline) or download (attachment) the file parts = ['attachment' if attachment else 'inline'] if attachment_filename is None: attachment_filename = if attachment_filename: attachment_filename = str(attachment_filename).replace("\\", "\\\\").replace('"', r"\"") ascii_filename = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', attachment_filename) ascii_filename = ascii_filename.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode() parts.append('filename="%s"' % ascii_filename) if ascii_filename != attachment_filename: quoted_filename = quote(attachment_filename) parts.append('filename*=UTF-8\'\'%s' % quoted_filename) response['Content-Disposition'] = '; '.join(parts) response['Content-length'] = filepath_obj.stat().st_size response['Content-Type'] = mimetype if not encoding: encoding = guessed_encoding if encoding: response['Content-Encoding'] = encoding return response